Essex Drug and Alcohol
Needs Assessment
The Task
TONIC was commissioned by Essex Recovery Foundation (ERF) to conduct a drug and alcohol needs assessment across Essex to inform future planning and commissioning decisions. The overall aims of this needs assessment were to provide clear, high-quality evidence regarding the needs and inequalities relating to substance abuse in order to improve the provision of substance misuse services in Essex.
TONIC’s Approach
TONIC implemented a mixed-methods approach to this needs assessment, using both quantitative and qualitative data. Initially, a literature review was conducted that summarised key national documents, policies and strategies in order to gain greater insight into current understanding. TONIC also conducted a quantitative data analysis alongside collecting qualitative data through surveys, interviews and focus groups which were hosted online and in-person. A total of 27 hours were spent meeting with service users in person. Overall, TONIC engaged 538 local people across Essex, 282 of whom were people with lived experience and 231 were stakeholders.
Using the data collected, TONIC produced a comprehensive report that was presented to the commissioners which detailed the findings of the research and outlined key recommendations. In terms of findings, stakeholders reported peer-led support, drug assessment and prescribing services as areas of strength. In contrast, support for people with learning disabilities, school-based prevention and support for families were identified as areas for development. Service users gave an average rating for each step of their service journey as ‘good’ with the exception of recovery which was rated as ‘adequate’. In the recommendations, TONIC identified 48 areas of focus which were divided into the following categories: prevention, tackling supply and treatment.