West Mercia Multiple Needs Assessments
The Task and Outcome:
TONIC conducted 7 needs assessments in West Mercia that covered the following areas:
Domestic Abuse
Hate Crime
Road Safety
Serious Organised Crime
Serious Violence
Sexual Abuse and Violence
Stalking and Harassment
Domestic Abuse
TONIC adopted a multi-faceted approach, using data from quantitative and qualitative sources. TONIC engaged with 13 key stakeholders and 21 survivors through in-depth interviews as well as receiving 372 responses to a survey. As a result of this research TONIC produced a comprehensive report that noted key recommendations; of significant importance was the need for greater consistency and partnership working across the region.
Hate Crime
Based on a mixed methodology, which involved a literature review, analysis of baseline data and a mapping exercise, TONIC proposed several recommendations. These recommendations centred around understanding, consistency and the new Authorised Professional Practise standards.
Road Safety
In order to complete the summary reports around road safety, TONIC conducted a review of evidence and literature, interviews with staff from West Mercia Police and OPCC, analysis of baseline data and a mapping exercise to identify existing provision. Based on this research, TONIC concluded the force was performing well around road safety issues and proposed several recommendations for further improvement to the OPCC.
Serious Organised Crime
The OPCC defined serious organised crime as the following: cyber-crime, modern slavery and human trafficking, organised crime groups, county lines and fraud/money laundering. As well as interviewing 8 staff members from West Mercia Police and the OPCC, TONIC performed a literature review, analysis of baseline data, and a mapping exercise. From this research, TONIC produced 8 key recommendations that mainly focused on improving provision for modern slavery.
Serious Violence
TONIC conducted an interview with the knife crime and serious violence co-ordinator for West Mercia Police alongside a literature review, analyses of data, and a mapping exercise. As a result of this analysis, TONIC suggested 7 key recommendations to the OPCC that included taking a holistic approach and strengthening support for 18-24-year-olds.
Sexual Abuse and Violence
To fulfil the requirements of this assessment, TONIC interviewed 10 key stakeholders and 21 survivors alongside the 372 responses gathered from a survey. As well as this, TONIC produced a literature review and analysis of data from a range of sources. From this research, TONIC proposed 13 recommendations that included better provision in courts, for young people, and upon the reporting of incidents.
Stalking and Harassment
Alongside a literature review, data analysis, and mapping exercise, TONIC conducted 3 interviews with relevant staff from West Mercia Police. As a result of this research, TONIC proposed 5 recommendations to be considered by relevant partners across West Mercia. These recommendations included increased training for frontline officers, the implementation of a multi-agency approach, and greater focus on prevention.